
We all know piano due to the old movies or very commonly played in western music. Piano is a western music instrument discovered 300 years back around in 1700 century by Bartolomeo Cristofori. Piano is a large musical instrument and a costly instrument also. Most of the people think that playing Piano is a very difficult and it takes a lot of time to learn. While truth is that under proper guidance people can start playing songs in couple of months only. Although getting proficiency in piano can take few years.

AIPA provides the piano classes based on the pattern of ABRSM board. AIPA is considered as best institute for learning ABRSM courses for Piano. We also provide best hobby classes for piano in our all three branches. We provide the best piano classes center or institute in patrakarpuram, Gomti Nagar. Which was the high scorer center/institute in the entire north india for ABRSM exam in 2023. Our other two centers are in Aliganj and Sushant golf center. The latest center opened at Sushant golf city is also known as best center for ABRSM piano classes.

Full List of courses offered

₹ 34500.00/-


₹ 36500.00/-


₹ 39500.00/-